On Mon, 17 Apr 2006, Lv wrote:

here are available fits format library sources.

What would be the easiest path to incorporate as a unit or library into lazarus or FPC?

Write an library import unit.
It will allow you to use the library natively. Use h2pas to convert the
header files, and then simply use the generated unit. Your program will
be linked to the libraries, and that's it.

C C++ C# will remain forever lost to me so the only options i am willing to try and convert is Java/perl/Fortran/Python.

I don't recommend this, it will slow down very much.

What about the Perl option?
Is it possible to call a Perl program from Lazarus?


Perl is quite platform independent but slow, but I can live with that.

I find the SHELL command as a real pain to pass variables between Pascal /Lazarus and the SHELL program.
Is there any way to communicate lazarus variables and arrays with SHELL
variables without writing and reading to and from files?

Just use TProcess and add all variables to the Environment stringlist...


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