> Greetings!

> Congrats for the delphi replacement.

I think  these guys are doing a great job. It's open source,
so everybody can contibute...

(I have some components I going to share).

> 1. Lazarus ?!?  Cheetah would be a better name, IMHO!

The original name was "Megido", a japanese word. The
project stop, and new guys "resurrected" with the "Lazarus" name.

Check the "Lazarus" page for more info:

<a href= "http://lazarus.freepascal.org";>lazarus.freepascal.org</a>

I agree about the name change. Some dosc on the net suggest
to avoid "religious" related name for software or hardware projects.

Something similar happened to the freebsd O.S. they had a "daemon",
not a "demon" pet, and try to make a new logo.

<a href= "http://www.freebsd.org>http://www.freebsd.org</a>

> 2. Replace the delphi dfm with a real code init (java style).

You mean to have properties initial values in the same unit,
(like VB6 or C# does) instead of a "resource" file.

I don't think that's a good idea.

Resource files allow to do a lot of stuff,
like change the properties values without changing the code,
change "skins" or "themes" of visual controls,
or "localize" the messages, captions or titles into another message.

"Resource" files can even be modified in a different editor.

Works like some sort of "modular" programming.

Any reason you would like that ?

> 3. Allow to link in other langs (via plugin eclipse style).

Not a bad idea, but the whole project still have to be more "mature".
There still several stuff to be done.

I would like to have C++ using Lazarus IDE. ;-)

Borland did that with its IDE and "open tools A.P.I." and
called "Galileo" project, not sure.

Marco Aurelio Ramirez Carrillo

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