Michael Van Canneyt escreveu:
sqlite is good candidate too (multiplatform,single file,fast, only one
dll/so required)
Sorry, but no:
- No external dependencies, please.
- Specifically: sqlite is a horrible database for use in Pascal.
Based in what you say that?
In fact the TDataset descendant has better performance (see
http://www.geocities.com/camara_luiz/sqlite4fpc/benchmarks.html) than
sqldb (Mysql,Postgresql, firebird). This is so true that recently the
sqldb internal data handling schema was changed borrowing some ideas
from TCustomSqliteDataset. Of course, you are invited to try to
replicate the benchmarks and/or post new benchmarks (with the sources)
you did.
It also has some extra features like Master/Detail, Lookup,Locate,
LocateNext, Auto Increment.
Any way you can use sqlite using the plain interface (sqlite, sqlite3
units) that directly call the sqlite dll. Exactly how a C program does.
So the problem is not the pascal language or implementation.
And very slow for complex queries, in general.
Again, post benchmarks/tests.
Notice that to keep code small the sqlite SQL optimizer only handles the
common queries and let the corner cases to hand optimizations.
Finishing, sqlite is not for all uses neither mysql, postgres. See
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