On 12/05/06, Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho
Now, should we be compatible with CLX system? If so, how do we procede
without breaking copyright? That .pas file is probably in a unsuitable
license for us, so it´s better not look in it too long.

We could use the principle of interfaces yes, but I don't think it
needs to be compatible with CLX.  Also the principle of what the
HelpManager does is a common feature I have learned years ago with OOP
and Design Patterns.  I use such a design pattern in a lot of my code.

Another thing, does CLX has a help property on all controls to easely
respond to F1 keypress? Would it be good for us to implement it?

Yes it does.  I don't have Kylix installed on this computer, but I do
remember it was the same as in VCL. You could select some or other
combo box in the Object Inspector to select between Keyword or Index
help.  Then there was some property that you could populate with what
ever value needs to be looked up in the help when F1 was pressed. eg:
a help ID.


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