> Gtk-WARNING **: Unable to locate theme engine in module_path: "smooth",
> This means: your theme uses abilities you don't have. Either install
> another theme, or install the smooth engine.
Yep, I know that one, though it should just skip them - either way, I also 
tested with the gtk2 standard theme - this had no impact.
> Can you give exact steps how to reproduce that?
Exact steps I follow:
cd lazarus

Go to Tools|Configure Build Lazarus, click build all, set LCL to gtk2
Click ok.
Go to Tools|Build Lazarus  -problem occurs on the restart.

This happens even on a fresh user with pretty much no settings at all for 
> Because I don't have the time to debug the gtk2 interface, my only advice
> is to use gtk1 for the IDE.
Heh, fair enough - though technically I was offering to debug this one for you 
- all I need is a hint on where to look.

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