
"Belief is a wise wager. Granted that faith cannot be proved, what harm will 
come to you
if you gamble on its truth and it proves false? If you gain, you gain
all; if you lose,
you lose nothing. Wager, then, without hesitation, that He exists. "
-- Blaise Pascal

There is another interresting point in this discussion. Suppose you
play the game, you say without hesitation that god exists! And then
time passes, and, eventually, you die.

Upon your arrival for the final judgement you find yourself standing
in front of Ra, the egiptian god. And he is pretty pissed that you
were worshiping a false god. =) Wouldn´t that be funny??

If god exists, why doesn´t the other gods exist? What makes this god
better or more probable? If you ask me, the most unprobably thing in
the universe is life. How come out of Carbon, Hidrogen, Nitrogen and
Oxigen, the essence of life be formed? Those are just 4 elements,
unliving things by definition. Life comes from things not alive? Or is
there soul?

I beliave that we will have one of the most important answers we may
have when we have a computer powerful enougth to simulate the brain.
If it succeds and artifical life can be created, then most likely the
soul does not exist. And we are just aglomerates of minerals.

If all effors fail it would be like discovering that magic exist =) We
are magic.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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