Is this the same situation?
[ ]
P.S.: I'll try to install lazarus under mandriva. Do I need to do the links again?
At 15:49 26/5/2006, you wrote:
Before, excuse me for my english poor.
But i go to try.
Is your linux version debian based?
1) On the Linux the installation must be realized as root user. According to my friend (Braslib-devel, yahoo group), this steps works with Debian e Ubuntu.
Get download files (~45Mb) in:
and put all in the same folder.
It is necessary to install any packages with apt-get (may be 60MB). Remember that is necessary to have GCC packages installed.
# apt-get install alien binutils libglib1.2-dev libgkt1.2-dev libgnome-dev xspecs libgtk2.0-dev libc6-dev libgdk-pixbuf-dev
After to installed packages, let's go to unpack and to install the softwares.
- The compiler:
# tar xvf fpc-2.0.2.i386-linux.tar
# ./
(install in /usr/lib and not in /usr/local/lib/, the others are standards).
- The source code:
# mkdir fpc
# cd fpc
# tar zxvf ../fpc-2.0.2.source.tar.gz
# cd ..
# mv fpc /usr/src
The IDE (finally).
# tar zxvf lazarus-0.9.10-0.tar.gz
# mv lazarus /usr/lib
# cd /usr/lib/lazarus
# make
# strip startlazarus
# ln -s /usr/lib/lazarus/startlazarus /usr/bin/lazarus
Ok! Now you open the Lazarus, typing lazarus on the shell.
Alexander Peters <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:
- Hello Mailinglist!
- I?am a Windows Developer and want to check Linux (Kubuntu) and coding
- under Linux (Lazarus) know i want to download it and find serval RPMs.
- Now i dont know which RPM i need to install. Is it right that i need the
- lazarus-0.9.14-1.i386.rpm and the fpc-2.0.2-0.i586.rpm?
- Thanks for Help
- Alexander Peters
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