Vincent Snijders wrote:
Christian U. wrote:

Help -> Configure Help -> Databases -> StartPage -> BaseURL should be
something like


it is file://C:\Programme\lazarus\docs\html but i think the \ arent a
problem in this case
called is C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\User\C:\Programme\lazarus\docs\html
witch not exists

Use the browse button, and it should create this format automatically.

Sorry, I don't have windows.

i know, but why the "windows users home diretory" ? :) C:\Dokumente und
Einstellungen\User is added bevore the path ?
is the path in linux /home/user/ + /shared/lazarus/help ... ?

3. i have tried 0.9.16 thats marked as "STABLE"


you dosend have windows i know but bvevore a version with an even number is
those functionality can be tested by vincent, mark or someone other who have
windoes or not ?!

I fixed showing html from file URLS on windows in revision 9379. Mattias, can you check nothing was broken for linux?

Hmm, I just noticed, that now showing the LCL help from lazarus-ccr is broken. :-(

I will look at it tomorrow again.


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