On Sun, 4 Jun 2006 07:09:48 +0300
Al Boldi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Flavio Etrusco wrote:
> > On 6/3/06, Al Boldi wrote:
> >> In the fpc-rtl there is something like this:
> >>
> >> procedure TObject.Free;
> >> begin
> >>   if self<>nil then self.destroy;
> >> end;
> >>
> >> Does this make sense?  i.e. How is it possible for self to be nil?
> >
> > 'Self' isn't a global variable associated with the method, it's simply
> > a parameter passed implicitly to the method.
> This would imply, that we are executing the class method instead of the 
> object method.

No. The 'Self' of a class method is the class.
The Self=nil test is useful for this case:

var o: TObject;


The o is given to the method as hidden parameter, accessible via Self.


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