On 7/11/06, Lepidosteus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you know about any implemntation of a scrollbar from scratch that i
could use to change the drawing ?

There are at least two ways to do that. The first way is to use all
kinds of platform dependent code to write your scrollbar component.
You can then reimplement it for every widgetset.

The TrayIcon component is an example of a component reimplemented for
every widgetset as is located at: lazarus/components/trayicon

The second way it to implement it as a TCustomControl descendent.
Handle all the painting, all mouse and keyboard events and finally
produce a scrollbar. You will also need to find a way to connect it to
other components.

There is a tutorial about creating a tcustomcontrol descendent here:


For custom GUI component written in Object Pascal, have a look at the
fpGUI project or the LPTK project.

I think he doesn´t want to write a new widgetset. He just wants to
write a single component.
Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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