Alexandre Leclerc wrote:
2006/7/21, George Birbilis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
It will only work for Intel 32-bit since it uses assembler instructions at
some parts. BTW, I though FPC assembler isn't compatible with Delphi one,
maybe Boguslaw fixed that code?
Best thing would be to have compiler defines and rewrite those assembler
instructions as normal Pascal code (would help porting to other CPUs)

Thank you for the information. The only thing I can confirm is that I
downloaded the latest original source from svn on RemObjects web site
and that it worked out of the box. Only the sample applications are
not yet ported to lazarus, but I managed to make work the "Import"
sample project.

So I don't know about the assembler compatibility stuff, but what I
did test is working fine.


32-bit assembler parts supports now FPC calling convention (FPC is using EAX and EDX differently when calling virtual methods or something similiar, don't quite remember (it was hardest part by the way))

I'm planning to review current SVN Pascal Script soon, maybe we can work out for 64-bit Intel/AMD ?

Bogusław Brandys

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