isn't looking to the VCL code illegal (copyright and stuff?)

On 8/9/06, Christian Budde <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
Hello Micha,

Today is day 3 of my LCL experience, so sorry about all the issues. Now that you are assigned to the bug I think it should be fixed quite fast.
+function GetTopMostWindows(Handle: HWND; Info: LongInt): BOOL; stdcall;
Shouldn't that be PtrInt for 64 bit compatibility ?

Om, I only have Win32 here on my desktop and I haven't got any
experience with x64. Short explanation please.
+ Result := True;
+ if GetWindow(Handle, GW_OWNER) = PTopMostEnumInfo(Info)^.W32Widget.AppHandle then
W32Widget does not need to be in that Info, TWin32WidgetSet(WidgetSet)
is global, and exists only once.
Ok, I didn't know that. Then it's just like with Delphi. There exists a global instance of TApplication as well.
+    if (GetWindowLong(Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE) and WS_EX_TOPMOST <> 0) and
+ (PTopMostEnumInfo(Info)^.IncludeMain {or (Application.MainForm = nil) or
+ (Handle <> Application.MainForm.Handle )}) then
+ PTopMostEnumInfo(Info)^.W32Widget.FTopMostList.Add(Pointer(Handle))
Why not put the list in PTopMostEnumInfo(Info) ?
Good idea.
+    else
+ begin
+ PTopMostEnumInfo(Info)^.TopWindow := Handle;
+ Result := False;
Why these two lines ?
A similar passage was there in the VCL code and I thought that it must make any sense, but in fact I don't know.
+        if GetWindowLong(Info.TopWindow, GWL_EXSTYLE) and WS_EX_TOPMOST <> 0 then
+ Info.TopWindow := HWND_NOTOPMOST;
+ for I := FTopMostList.Count - 1 downto 0 do
Why reverse order ?
Same reason as above. But know that I think about it, it makes more sense if it is reversed.

Thanks for doing the final steps,


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