Look in the examples in fcl/db/sqldb/examples

(You have to set the value of the parameterer before you can make it

On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 18:16 +0200, Zlatko Matić wrote:
> Is there any article explaining how to use parameterized queries in
> TSQLQuery ?
>         ----- Original Message ----- 
>         From: Zlatko Matić 
>         To: lazarus@miraclec.com 
>         Sent: Sunday, August 20, 2006 2:24 PM
>         Subject: [lazarus] parameterized queries
>         Hello.
>         I just tried to put some parameterized query on a form and
>         pass the parameter's value through code.
>         The query is the following:
>         select distinct sampling_types.sampling_type,
>             plants.plant,
>             plants.department
>         from ((sampling_types join batches_microbs on
>             (((sampling_types.sampling_type)=
>             (batches_microbs.sampling_type)))) join plants
>             on (((batches_microbs.plant) =
>             (plants.plant))))
>         where batches_microbs.sampling_type is not null and
>             plants.plant_active = true and
>             plants.plant = :parameter
>         group by sampling_types.sampling_type,
>             plants.plant,
>             plants.user,
>             plants.plant_active,
>             plants.plant_report,
>             plants.department
>         order by sampling_types.sampling_type,
>             plants.plant,
>             plants.department;
>         In the query above, ":parameter" should be the
>         actual parameter. I wanted to pass the parameter's value
>         through code, in the FormCreate event procedure, something
>         like this:
>         SQLQuery1.Params.ParamByName
>         ('parameter').AsString:='NESTERILNE MASTI, KREME I GELOVI';
>         Well, when I try to set the query to be "Active", the
>         following error occurs:
>         "Error. PQConnection1: Unknown fieldtype for parameter
>         "parameter"."
>         What shoudl I do?
>         Thanks,
>         Zlatko
Met vriendelijke groeten,

  Joost van der Sluis
  CNOC Informatiesystemen en Netwerken

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