With today's SVN the problem is again here but this time there is a lot of terminal output after ./startlazarus:

[WARNING] *******************************************************
[WARNING] **                                                   **
[WARNING] ** Multibyte character encodings (like UTF8) are not **
[WARNING] ** supported at the moment.                          **
[WARNING] ** For full keyboard event support, make sure that   **
[WARNING] ** the LANG environment var has no UTF8              **
[WARNING] **                                                   **
[WARNING] *******************************************************
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
 Exception=Access violation
 Stack trace:
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp
 $08259857  PROPEDITS_init,  line 6032 of propedits.pp
TApplication.HandleException Access violation
 Stack trace:
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp
 $08259857  PROPEDITS_init,  line 6032 of propedits.pp
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
An unhandled exception occurred at $0805E52F :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp
 $08259857  PROPEDITS_init,  line 6032 of propedits.pp

An unhandled exception occurred at $080EE2CD :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $080EE2CD  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas
 $080EE2D8  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas
 $080EE2A6  TAVGLVLTREE__FREEANDCLEAR,  line 1082 of avglvltree.pas
 $081B04F2  TRESOURCECACHE__DESTROY,  line 370 of lclrescache.pas
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp

An unhandled exception occurred at $080B8B25 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $08072AB0  TSCREEN__DESTROY,  line 56 of ./include/screen.inc
 $080782EB  FORMS_finalize,  line 1755 of forms.pp
 $080EE2D8  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas
 $080EE2A6  TAVGLVLTREE__FREEANDCLEAR,  line 1082 of avglvltree.pas
 $081B04F2  TRESOURCECACHE__DESTROY,  line 370 of lclrescache.pas

An unhandled exception occurred at $08064994 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $081BC55C  DOFINALIZATION,  line 415 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $081BC5C8  WSLCLCLASSES_finalize,  line 433 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $08072AB0  TSCREEN__DESTROY,  line 56 of ./include/screen.inc
 $080782EB  FORMS_finalize,  line 1755 of forms.pp
 $080EE2D8  FREENODE,  line 1073 of avglvltree.pas

An unhandled exception occurred at $08055550 :
EAccessViolation : Access violation
 $081BC55C  DOFINALIZATION,  line 415 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $081BC5C8  WSLCLCLASSES_finalize,  line 433 of ./widgetset/wslclclasses.pp
 $08072AB0  TSCREEN__DESTROY,  line 56 of ./include/screen.inc
 $080782EB  FORMS_finalize,  line 1755 of forms.pp

Runtime error 217 at $0805F949
 $08259381  INITPROPEDITS,  line 5953 of propedits.pp


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