On 10/31/06, johnf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If writting a wrapper was easy why haven't we got a completed QT interface?

Wrapper means a interface to access Qt on Free Pascal software. And
it´s complete, working on 4 platforms (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, Linux
based PDAs).

See here for more information:


LCL-Qt is something else. It´s a interface to compile LCL software for
Qt. LCL and Qt are two distinct libraries. You can use Qt on Free
Pascal without LCL. More information here:


And it isn´t completed because not enougth resources were commited to
it to complete it. If you would like to see it finished sooner you can
help, by commiting resources to it, on one of various ways:

* bug reports with test applications
* patches
* bounties

Why does the GTK2 have so many bugs?

Because it needs more resources =) See above

Bugs are relative. I´ve being deploying the magnifier (
sourceforge.net/projects/magnifier ) compiled for Gtk 2 for almost 1
year now, and never had trouble with gtk2 bugs. So I don´t have urgent
need to fix Gtk2 bugs.

That´s what open source is all about. Lazarus attends my needs. If
Lazarus attends all my needs, except for 1 need in particular, it can
be good for me to implement that need. And it will also be good for
everyone else using it.

Open source isn´t about proving that our tool is superior. It´s about
a nice community of people that use and develop a tool that helps them
solve real-life problems =)

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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