On Thu, 2006-11-09 at 16:32 +0700, Bisma Jayadi wrote:
> > It is, but:
> > 1. It will take some additional work.
> If we keep them separated, it will take some additional works to users 
> (programmers), especially if he wants to make an application which connects 
> to 
> several mySQL databases with different version. ;)

If you - as programmer - want to do that, you simply can: detect the
installed mysql-CLIENT-version at startup, and then create the right
TMySQLconnection for that version.

But, I can not state this enough, if you want to do such things, simply
don't use MySQL. Not al combinations of MySQL-Clients and server
versions can work together. You, as programmer, can't do anything about
that. And, the MySQL-developers don't/won't/can't guarantee that it will
work with newer MySQL-versions.

If you want interoperatibility between versions of the DB-server, use
Firebird, PostgreSQL, Oracle or ODBC. The development of these databases
is much further, and their clients and ABI's has been stabalised years


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