Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho wrote:
> Hello,
> Here is my first patch. I checked that Window Titles work correct with
> UTF-8 if you recompile win32 with WindowsUnicodeSupport
> I also checked that titles work correctly with Ansi if you don?t set
> that define
> Marc, please review this.
> I created a global variable on win32proc called UnicodeEnabledOS that
> says if we are running on a NT version or a 9x version.

OK, it took some time, I've aplied a modified version. r10196

Some things.

The $IFDEFs aren't really needed when the $ELSE part is the same as the
else of the UnicodeEnabledOS if. In the end we want a LCL version
without $IFDEFs anyway. So I removed then in 2 places.
The only doubt I have there is about the classname. for unicode it is
translated to wide. Thats ok. For ansi it isn't translated (so both
elses were the same). I wonder if window classnames should be translated
form utf to ansi. IMO not.

Also when creating a window, I've added a translation to the windowcaption.

Further I've my doubts about the next functions (besides that maybe
using a overloaded funtion makes it easier)

function Utf8PCharToPWideChar(param: PChar): PWideChar;
function Utf8ToPWideChar(param: string): PWideChar;

Both return the result of Utf8Decode() as PWideChar. I didn't lookup the
Result of Utf8Decode(), but I assume it is a WideString.
AFAIK it get destroyed if you leave Utf8ToPWideChar functions, so in
fact the result is pointing to nothing.
So I would propose to remove both functions.
I left them for now, since the code isn't enabled by default.


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