Listing processes might be one way to check for instances, maybe try
to communicate with that instance to make sure it's not blocked.
There was also a simple way to check using instance handle in C wich
could be adapted to FPC but i don't know how it works in Unix world.


On 12/17/06, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Al Boldi wrote:
> Luiz Americo Pereira Camara wrote:
>> Kris Leech wrote:
>>> Good stuff, did you come across any issues with simpleIPC, Ive been
>>> meaning to have a go with it for a while...
>> I had two issues with simpleipc:
>>  - in unix the TSimpleIPCServer.OnMessage event is not fired. To
>> override this, a solution is to call ReadMessage in the OnIdle event of
>> the application.
> Try this implementation:
> ========================
> type
>   { TPeekThread }
>   TPeekThread = Class(TThread)
>   private
>     FDoPeek: TNotifyEvent;
>   protected
>     procedure Execute; override;
>     procedure Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);
>     Property DoPeek: TNotifyEvent read FDoPeek write FDoPeek;
>   end;
>   { TSimpleIPCpServer }
>   TSimpleIPCpServer = Class(TSimpleIPCServer)
>   private
>     FPeek: Boolean;
>     FPeekThread: TPeekThread;
>     procedure PeekMethod(Sender: TObject);
>     procedure SetPeek(const AValue: Boolean);
>   protected
>     Procedure Activate; override;
>     Procedure Deactivate; override;
>   published
>     Property Peek : Boolean read FPeek write SetPeek;
>   end;
> implementation
> { TPeekThread }
> procedure TPeekThread.Execute;
> begin
>   repeat
>     FDoPeek(self);
>   until Terminated;
> end;
> procedure TPeekThread.Synchronize(Method: TThreadMethod);
> begin
>   inherited;
> end;
> { TSimpleIPCpServer }
> procedure TSimpleIPCpServer.PeekMethod(Sender: TObject);
> begin
>   if PeekMessage(1000,false) then
>     TPeekThread(sender).Synchronize(@ReadMessage);
> end;
> procedure TSimpleIPCpServer.SetPeek(const AValue: Boolean);
> begin
>   if FPeek=AValue then exit;
>   if FActive then DoError(SErrActive,[]);
>   FPeek:=AValue;
> end;
> procedure TSimpleIPCpServer.Activate;
> begin
>   inherited Activate;
>   if FActive and FPeek then begin
>     FPeekThread:=TPeekThread.Create(true);
>     FPeekThread.DoPeek:[EMAIL PROTECTED];
>     FPeekThread.FreeOnTerminate:=true;
>     FPeekThread.Resume;
>   end;
> end;
> procedure TSimpleIPCpServer.Deactivate;
> begin
>   if FActive and FPeek then begin
>     FPeekThread.Terminate;
>   end;
>   inherited Deactivate;
> end;
> ========================
Thanks. Another solution is to use the dnotify api of the kernel.
Someone already tried dnotify with fpc?
> BTW:  Somebody know how to override a Classname, like it's possible with
> Methods.  i.e:  TComponent = Class(TComponent); override;
>>  - The other is that there's currently no easy way to diferentiate
>> between different message types. Let's say i need to send messages
>> telling i started the job, send the results of the job and than finished
>> the job. Currently there are two options: send a header in the stream
>> with a numeric variable and check it when arrive (you lose the comodity
>> of SendStringMessage) or you send a string with a string marker. I will
>> propose a change in it (and provide the patch) where we could use the
>> MessageType (user defined) to identify the message and we could still
>> use SendStringMessage .
> Or you could use another SimpleIPC connection.
>> - another potential problem (not tested) is that in unix a file is used
>> to pass the messages. So if the program crashes the file may not be
>> deleted and would give that the server is running.
> In unix it uses pipes.  No problem when program crashes.
Good to know. I don't have experience with pipes.


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