On 1/18/07, Mattias Gaertner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The 'preview' window is correct.  What in generated for Class
> Completion is different to the preview.

I added two debugln. Please update svn and try to reproduce the bug.
Then send the console output.

Here goes...  I've also attached 3 images showing the CodeTools ->
Spaces settings with the preview, the orginal class declaration and
the newly generated code.

I'm running Linux x86 with GTK1.  I've asked my co-worker to try on
his system (WinXP) and the same thing happens.

------------------ Console output  ---------------------
[graemeg-linux] lazarus > ./lazarus
TApplication.IconChanged - TODO: convert this message...no
implementation in gtk or win32
TCodeToolsOptions.AssignTo DoInsertSpaceInFront=[]
TMainIDE.DoSaveProject End
TProject.SomethingModified SessionModified
TMainIDE.DoSaveProject End
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=7
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=6
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=5
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=4
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=3
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=2
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=1
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile A PageIndex=0
TMainIDE.DoCloseEditorFile end
LAZARUS END - cleaning up ...
[TMainIDE.Destroy] A
[TMainIDE.Destroy] B  -> inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
[TMainIDE.Destroy] END
[graemeg-linux] lazarus >

------------------  end  --------------------------------------

Graeme Geldenhuys

There's no place like S34° 03.168'  E018° 49.342'

Attachment: CodeTools_Space.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: generated_code.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: original_class_declaration.png
Description: PNG image

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