----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mattias Gaertner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <lazarus@miraclec.com>
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2007 03:00
Subject: Re: [lazarus] Illegal Expression -- Exit

> On Thu, 15 Mar 2007 23:23:04 -0700
> Gus Wirth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Jeff Steinkamp wrote:
>> > ----- Original Message ----- 
>> > From: "Vincent Snijders" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> > To: <lazarus@miraclec.com>
>> > Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2007 19:07
>> > Subject: Re: [lazarus] Illegal Expression -- Exit
>> > 
>> > 
>> >> Jeff Steinkamp schreef:
>> >>> Anyone know why I might be getting an Illegal Expression on a
>> >>> line containing the keyword Exit?
>> >>>
>> >>> Might there be another way to exit a procedure in the middle of
>> >>> the procedure beside using the keyword jump?
>> >> Can you post a snippet of code?
>> >>
>> >> Vincent
>> > 
>> > This is almost word for word from a Delphi project that performs
>> > the same function.  I can replace the Exit with a goto LABEL and
>> > place the LABEL at the exit point and it does the same thing, but I
>> > really like to stay away from goto's!!!  Too many nightmares from
>> > my days of assembly language and I am chasing one of these at work
>> > right now.
>> > 
>> > Compiler fails at the Exit keyword.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > procedure TForm1.SaveAsExecute(Sender: TObject);
>> > begin
>> >   savedialog1.InitialDir := HomeDirectory;
>> >   if SaveDialog1.Execute then
>> >    begin
>> >        fLogFileName := Savedialog1.FileName;
>> >        if FileExists(fLogFilename) then
>> >          if MessageDlg('File Exists, Overwrite this 
>> > file?',mtWarning,[mbYes,mbNo],0) = mrNO then Exit;
>> > 
>> >        StringGridSaveToFile(loggrid,flogfilename);
>> >        fLogHasChanged := false;
>> >        caption := 'Ten-Ten Logging System - ' + flogfilename;
>> > 
>> >    end;
>> > end;
>> This may be a problem trying to evaluate the call to MessageDlg in
>> the _if_ statement. Try breaking it up into a couple of separate
>> steps to get a closer look at where the problem might be. Something
>> like:
>>         if FileExists(fLogFilename) then begin
>>           ModalResult:= MessageDlg('File Exists, Overwrite this
>> file?',mtWarning,[mbYes,mbNo],0);
>>          if (ModalResult = mrNO) then Exit;
>>         end; {if}
>>         StringGridSaveToFile(loggrid,flogfilename);
>> Also, don't you need parentheses around boolean expressions?
> The IDE code uses a log "if MessageDlg ... then exit"
> statements and boolean exp without parenthesis. I just tried
> successfully your code with fpc 2.0.4 and mode objfpc.
> What compiler and mode are you using?
> Mattias

fpc 2.3.1 and I think it is svn 6813 from 12 mar 2007


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