Tuesday, April 03, 2007, 10:43:50 AM, Graeme wrote:

GG> Have a look at the fpGUI website.  Those screenshots are a bit old,
GG> but will give you a good idea.
GG> Half those screenshots show the Windows 9x theme (under Linux), the
GG> other half show the GFX backend doing painting.

GG>   http://opensoft.homeip.net/fpgui/

GG> As those screenshots show, getting the Windows look is really easy.
GG> And seeing the 95% of the world use Windows, you'll make many people
GG> feel right at home.

Unfortunately, not. By now fpGUI has (most of) the look, but does not have the
feel. For example:

- The caret does not blink in Edit field. Enter 'i', put a caret over
it and you'll have no idea of what is behind the caret. Note that in
Windows that 'i' will be visible even when the caret blinks on.
- Clicking second time on ComboBox dropdown arrow does not close it as
one would expect (the third click, however, closes the combo).
- When dragging a scrollbar thumb, if you drag mouse off the
scrollbar, it stops scrolling and, moreover, reverts to position where
the dragging was started.
- It ignores Windows settings for hiding keyboard cues and focus

And there are tons of similar issues, which make any fpGUI app feel
extermely alien in Windows. As a programmer, I can say that fixing
such issues is actually a much harder and boring job than what you
had already done.

Nevertheless, you are on a really good way with the fpGUI! Being free
of legacy bugs and external dependencies, and at the same time
compatible with VCL to a certain degree, it has real potential to
eventually become a very useful library.

Best regards,

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