I posted as bug in mantis, and worked fine for me, but
not sure if that the correct way to resovle the
problem, i think when we use SysAllocStringLen we must
use SysFreeString.

Check it

--- Henry Vermaak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> when i try to use the "Text" property in the edit
> control as the text
> in a MessageDlg function, it gives me a "Bus error
> or misaligned data
> access" error.
> i tracked this down to be the FreeMem(tmpWideStr)
> call in the
> GetControlText function.  it makes sense to me to
> use the
> SysFreeString function when you've used
> SysAllocStringLen - and when i
> changed this to SysFreeString(tmpWideStr), it
> started working.  can
> any wince geniuses confirm this?
> this is on line 1135 in winceproc.pp.
> i'd just like to quote an hilariously vague line out
> of msdn:
> "Passing invalid (and under some circumstances NULL)
> pointers to this
> function causes an unexpected termination of the
> application."
> this is on the SysAllocStringLen page - a function
> which is supposed
> to be able to handle a null param...
> henry
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