Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:
On 5/7/07, Joao Morais <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> An advantage of having it public, is that you can pass a TControl to the
> widget interface and it can access the Color property without resorting
> to cast to decendants. I don't know if this technique is actually used
> though.

There are several properties where this feature would be welcome, eg
tcustomedit.text, tcustomcheckbox.checked, but you can use the following
workaround when necessary:

   tcustomeditfriend = class(tcustomedit);


tcustomeditfriend(edit).edit := 'value';

I agree...  And if you are going to use it often, create a local
variable of the 'friend' class so you only need to cast once.

Not a good idea if you have inheritance:

  control: twincontrolfriend

  control: tcustomeditfriend


  result := inherited control as tcustomeditfriend; // problem here

I write many cross compiler (FPC and Delphi) code and keep breaking
the builds under Delphi due to the differences between LCL and VCL.

Yup. This is exactly my headackes. Cross FPC x Delphi and VCL x LCL code. Anyway both fpc and lazarus team are doing an exceptional job regarding compatibility.

Joao Morais

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