> I guess you have a lot of time and a lot of bandwith, 

No, I use my time wisely: I always look for better way of doing thing. And
yes, in the company I work we have 2 ADSL 1Mbit Internet connections, 4Mbit
connection to our main customer network and I have 768Kbit ADSL in my house.

> and never worked from far away with limited access, limited time

Did you hear about dial-up access?
Did you write an application which must synchronize data with just 1200bps
in a machine with 512KB of RAM running DOS 3.1 and must do quickly because
is an international call (expensive)?

> Secondly, not all of the databases saves the blob the same way even on

Which ones?
I use the same techniques for blobs with Oracle (8 to 10), DB2/UDB (7 to 9),
DB2/AS400 (V4R4 to V5R2), SQL Server (6 to 2005), Pervasive Scalable SQL
(with the very buggy version 4 with the very buggy Delphi 4), Interbase (4
to 6) and Firebird (1 to 2.0.1).
May be you should use a real database and not those "subversion" with weird
non standard behavior.

> There are many horrors with binary blobs. They are bad practice, and

Bad practice is punching a nail with a screwdriver instead of hammer.
Is what are you doing.

> using blobs... so please gain some experience in real life before

22+ years developing and deploying applications.

Bottom line:
May be some time your approach (blob data as text) was a good solution but
now is, in my point of view, totally unnecessary.


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