On Tue, 15 May 2007, Andrew Haines wrote:

> Michael Van Canneyt wrote:
> > The generated RTF is linear, i.e. it is suitable for printing. 
> > In order to create a .hlp file or a .chm file, some changes will
> > be necessary. (.hlp requires insertion of well-formed footnotes)
> > 
> As far as I know chm files are html not rtf.

Yes, but they must/can be generated by the microsoft help compiler from
the same RTF source. .hlp is also a compiled format, with RTF as the source.

> Regards,
> Andrew Haines
> PS I've been working on converting a c lzx compressor to pascal. when
> this is done, many of the pieces needed to make a chm file will be
> available.

That would be good, if we can write CHM directly.


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