On Thu, 2007-05-31 at 02:20 +0200, fedorax wrote:
> Selon Bram Kuijvenhoven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > fedorax wrote:
> > > Selon Joost van der Sluis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > >
> > >> On Sat, 2007-05-26 at 15:00 +0200, fedorax wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> I've a strange bug. In this fonction ( Which was worked perfectly from
> > few
> > >>> months an never chage ).
> > >>> --------------------------
> > >>> procedure TFunc_Sql.List_TablesSelectionChange(Sender: TObject; User:
> > >> boolean);
> > >>> begin
> > >>>   If List_Tables.ItemIndex<0 then List_Tables.ItemIndex:=0;
> > >>>   T_Name:=List_Tables.Items[List_Tables.ItemIndex]; // The selected 
> > >>> table
> > >> name
> > >>>   If SQLQuery.Active Then SQLQuery.Close; // Close the precedent query
> > >>>   SQLQuery.SQL.Text:='Select * From '+ T_Name;
> > >>>   SQLQuery.Open;  //Open to list in DbGrid
> > >>> end;
> > >>> --------------------------
> > >>> The line   "If SQLQuery.Active Then SQLQuery.Close;" cause an access
> > >> violation
> > >>> and close the application without visible cause.
> > >> My guess is that you've destroyed/freed SQLQuery somewhere before this
> > >> code is called.
> > >>
> > >> Joost
> > >>
> > > Not that, the SQLComponent is put on the form and no instruction exist for
> > free
> > > it. Is it possible that a bug free a component without programmer ask to 
> > > it
> > ?
> I do as you say and i put here the firts part of ( very long ) bakctrace. may 
> be
> somebody can understand this ? For me i just see a problem with a memory 
> pointer
> and i'm remember that memory pointer system ha'd changed few day's ago ( 
> Lazarus
> won't compile and stop in this fonction ). May be a bug was introduced at this
> time ?
> I'ts apear ever on the same line of code but never at the same time. Sometime 
> i
> can move move in list a long time before crash, sometime just two clicks in 
> list
>  are sufficient to crash. And never on a specific location in the list.
> I forget to specify: The message 'access violation' and others appears  only 
> if
> the program is compiled with gdb active in options. Without gdb no message. 
> The
> program freeze and nothing is displayed.

It could be that it's fixed in r7538. Can you test?


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