Hi !

I try it as you suggested. And more: I create a boolean that I turn false at Form.Create. I turn it on when execute the TSQLQuery.Open. And, together with you suggestion a execute TSQLQuery.Close if the boolean is true. Additionally I execute TSQLQuery.Active := false.

If I run from the "run" icon of Lazarus Ide occurs the same. When I reset the debugger and answer no for the data corruption, Lazarus again and click "run" button I receive:

PesqProgAES.lpr(19,1) Fatal: Can't open executable PesqProgAES.exe

from the linkage editor(???).

I run the windows task manager but it seems that there are no processes of lazarus or of my application running...




At 03:35 7/6/2007, you wrote:
Have you tried the following? Replace the variable names with you own.

   FIBTransaction.Active := false;
   FDatabase.Connected := false;


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