On 6/14/07, Christian Ulrich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I dont know i have an {$IFDEF MSINDOWS} around it.
Another thing that not work are Tab :(
But this issue is not long ago. With 0.9.22 it works fine. For now the
Tabulator key only work on TDBGrid not between controls.

I hope someone who has deep knowledge of the win32 interface will work
on this bug

You won´t like my comment, but when I see a regression that is
problematic to me, and I don´t fell like looking into lcl code to see
what happened, I just make sucessive tests until I isolate which
revision created the problem.

Say you have r100 for Lazarus 0.9.22 and then we are at r200. I test
r150, if it works, then I test r175 and sucessively until I find which
revision broke it =) Then I have the diff with viewcvs, which gives me
the exact cause and it´s usually trivial to fix then. And if it isn´t,
this is a great information for the bug report.

Of course this is much easier if you have a powerful computer, so
rebuilding LCL will be quick.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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