I've wrote a single application that connects with a Firebird
database in a server in a windows XP network. From an initial form I
go to another that only open a DBGRID and user can navigate forward
and backward in a single browse or go to another form where the user
can inform a search argument and the program executes a SELECT in the
Firebird database and shows the result in a DBGRID.
Well, while I navigate from the first form to any one of the other
two and back to the first everything's run ok.
When the user click in the exit button of the first form a execute
the "Self.Close" method and the application/program freezes. The
trouble seems to be that the program have troubles to disconnect from
the remote server. If I run the same application in a local database
no troubles occur.
I have exposed this same trouble some days ago and can't have a
solution. Then I am insisting in ask for help. Mainly because I'm
trying to convince the bosses to use Lazarus here in the company. But
this trouble is been used as an opposite argument.
I'm having another trouble with the same application when
using Firebird embedded server. The execution ends with an error, too.
I think about ask you if there are no other attempts to make, trying
to solve the trouble with the remote server and the embedded too.
Thanks in advance.
Greetings from Sao Paulo - Brazil
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