En/na Mattias Gaertner ha escrit:
On Fri, 13 Jul 2007 17:11:11 +0200
Luca Olivetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

En/na Mattias Gaertner ha escrit:

First try this:
Environment > Rescan FPC Source directory.
First thing I tried. It didn't help. Note that this problem doesn't manifest exclusively with fpc sources, but also with units that are
in the "Other units files" in compiler options.

I see.
Please make sure, the unit is really part of your project (Project > Add
editor file to project).

I'd really like to avoid that: these are my "standard units", similar to the "library path" in delphi.
Anyway, this happens also in a fresh project, with standard fpc units.

Then check the search paths of this unit: Source Editor > Popup menu >
unit info > Unit Paths.
Are there the search paths of the "Other units files"? Are there any
weird paths?

Ok, one weird thing is that I defined the "Other units" as "~/lazcustom;~/lazcustom/*/" and lazarus didn't expand the "~" but just appended it to the current path. Now I hanged that to "/home/luca/lazcustom;/home/luca/lazcustom/*/" and that fixed the problem with my units. One less problem but still it doesn't find standard fpc units.

In a fresh, not saved yet, project this is what the popup for the "Units paths" shows:


when I save it it adds the path of the project.

Please check that the filenames of the units are either lowercase
(unit1.pas) or the unitnames are written correct in your uses sections
(Unit1.pas -> uses Unit1;).

filenames are lowercase (though the name of the unit is mixed case).



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