On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 16:41:42 +0200
fedorax <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello,
> Whith actuals versions of lazarus this fonction:
>     For i:=0 to LExport.Count-1 do begin
>       LExport[i]:=AnsiToUtf8(LExport[i]);
>     end;
> Do absolutely nothing. I've also try with Utf8decode, ansitoutf8 and
> other's.

They all use the 'widestring manager'. The default manager simply does
no conversion.

> Any idea ?
> Lazarus svn 11850
> FPC 2.3.1 8290
> OS Linux fedora 7

The unit cwstring sets a widestring manager that uses the iconv library.
Add this unit as one of the first units in the uses section of your
program (.lpr).


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