On 19/09/2007, Vincent Snijders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Interfaces, // this includes the LCL widgetset
>    Forms,
>    { add your units here }
> This suggests that you should add unit names manually here. This is difficult
> at best because the syntax must be exact, forms must be included, etc.
> At worst, doing this probably leads to errors because the *.lpi file
> is not modified accordingly.

I can see where Flanders was going with this, but it's not really a
big deal I think. First of all, if the units are missing from the .lpi
file, the project still compiles. A few things might not work like the
IDE knowing when a file has changed to recompile.

On the other hand (if I remember correctly), having all the units
mentioned in that uses clause, the compiler throws Hints that those
units are not used in that file, which is why I tend to delete any
unnecessary units from that uses clause.

But I agree with one part.  I still use the 'add editor file to
project' option and then manually delete the entry from uses clause.

  - Graeme -

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