Honestly I am as clueless as you are, but having worked a lot with qt,
wince, etc, interfaces I got some "guesses" =)

First I imagined it could be that there is a function in LCLIntf, like
SetCursor, maybe a winapi emulation like there is in many places ...
nope, apperantly there is no such thing.

Then I went for my first guess, find in files, lazarus/lcl directory
for MouseMove ... lot's of hits =) I went througth the Qt code that I
know well, and is imho the most clear to read, and found that when a
mouse move occurs it sends a TLMMouseMove message to LCL

Find in files again ... now TLMMouseMove, and here we are =)
lcl/include/control/inc we have a procedure that receives TLMMouseMove
and sets the calls a UpdateMouseCursor ... investigation should go
firther seeing this function

I just have 5 minutes now, and thougth that telling what I did to find
those things could help you

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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