On 08/10/2007, Razvan Adrian Bogdan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> char would be nice too, maybe even implemented in FPC for UTF8string
> such as Lenght(utf8string) or indexing utf8string[1] to return the
> char not the byte as UTF32.

In fpGUI I have a few helper functions for UTF-8 strings (Length,
Copy, Delete, Insert, Pos etc). Some of the code I got from LCLProc
unit and some written myself.

Anybody know how I can access UTF-8 characters via a index?   eg;
MyString[2] returns the string containing the 2nd character. I say
returning a string, because a UTF-8 characters can be between 1-4
bytes so a Char type will not do.

  - Graeme -

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