Op dinsdag 16-10-2007 om 02:19 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Marc
> Am Dienstag, den 16.10.2007, 01:53 +0200 schrieb Mattias Gaertner:
> > On Tue, 16 Oct 2007 01:10:08 +0200
> > Marc Santhoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > You should consider updating your lazarus/fpc, because some database
> > bugs were fixed, new features were added and lazarus has now the
> > lazdatadesktop tool.
> I will (see question 4). I only asked because i read an old book about
> Delphi 3 for remembering how database access works. But since a table
> held by a sql server is a generalization of a query (select * from
> table) that fine with me.

You should really update Lazarus. With an updated version, you also
don't need the path to libgds anymore. The library is loaded

The difference between the  Delphi3 TTable and a query is more then the
select. The TTable creates the SQL-statement, which has the advantage
that it exactly knows what it's doing, so that the TTable is also

Nowadays updating tables is done differently. For example SQLdb parses
the supplied query, to see if the query is updateable or not. 


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