2007/11/9, Paul Ishenin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Giuliano Colla wrote:
> > Upgrading to the latest snv (r 12796) some icons on the IDE Bar have
> > disappeared.
> >
> > Notably, in the Addtional Section, the icons for TImage and TColorBox
> > are blank, while TColorListBox shows just a few pixels on top. The
> > same occurs for some custom components I've added. Three Icons show
> > properly, the fourth doesn't show at all.
> >
> > Is there some issue with transparency requiring the upgrade of icons,
> > or it's just a bug?
> Just a bug. I am working on that new bugs I introduced in recent changes
> though I dont have them on my main development platform (windows XP).

Very good

It's very nice and works well with XP



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