Valdas Jankūnas wrote:
Quoting Marco Alvarado <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Oh look, I got the same error when compiling the TOpenGLContext example:
"Compiling package LazOpenGLContext 0.0" completed
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lGL
testopenglcontext1.lpr(14,1) Error: Error while linking
testopenglcontext1.lpr(14,1) Fatal: There were 1 errors compiling
module, stopping
What needs to be configured in order to get these applications running?
I am just guessing; but it is not linking in the GL library.
is it -LGL instead of -lGL?, also just try -L GL?
I think that you are very close......
the next error should be; cannot find library GL
The linux linker is very pedantic - keep trying
First check if library "libGL" is installed: open console, execute "cd
/usr/lib" to goto in that dir then execute "ls libGL*". If in output you
see words like "" - library is installed, otherwise you
need install this library.
If library is installed but you not see "" in "ls" output then
you need make symlink from "<some_numbers>" (in my example
"") to "": execute in that dir command "sudo ln
usuallt you will get this symlink if you install the devel package if gl.
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