I couldn't get the pre-built binary of Lazarus to run on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). First the installer put the files somewhere invisible to the finder, so I couldn't start up by clicking any mac App icon. Secondly, even when I found lazarus.app and did "open lazarus.app" from terminal, it crashed saying it can't find some resources. I tried all different kinds of paths and working folders with no luck.

So then I tried to install from subversion. I got the svn stuff checked out and it builds up until it dies linking, missing library glib. So then I tried to get fink onto my system, because I realized I need glib. Fink built and installed, and apt-get is there and works but there's no glib package in apt-get. Do I have to edit my sources.list or something, to find whatever fink-repository it is that contains the glib packages? I had to build fink using the bootstrap from source shell script because according to the finkmeisters, the binary fink releases available on the web don't work with leopard.

Ain't it fun being on the bleeding edge?



P.S. The instructions for building that I was using were here:

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