Hi all!

two things: 1) a (possible) improvement to sqlite3ds; 2) the old
problem with dates and time

1) I found a sqlite database that uses the TIMESTAMP data type, but
this is not directly supported by the Tsqlite3Dataset written by Luiz.
I added the if-else checks in sqlite3ds.pas for this type, which
refers to ftTimestamp of TFieldType in db.pas. And I also added
db.DefaultFieldClasses[ftTimeStamp] := TDateTimeField at run-time,
because in db.pas it is defined as nil (and I didn't want to recompile
So, now my app can understand a timestamp field as a TDateTime instead
of a string...

2)and here comes the problem! The code:

var d: TDateTime;
d := database.FieldByName('birthday').asDateTime;
will always store the zero date: 30 Dec 1899
why ?

Being urgent, at the moment I am reading the dates as strings by using
the "date" or "datetime" function of SQLite in the query, i.e.:

SELECT date(birthday) AS string_birthday FROM people;

and then parsing them with the powerful functions in the freepascal
RTL, but I would like to understand this once for all.

Can anyone help ?
Thanks !!


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