Hi R#
 I am not sure I follow.
in my ChildForm when I declare formMainReference : TMainForm it does not know 
what TMainForm is since unit2 has no idea about unit1 (MainForm). Can you give 
me the details of what unit1(MainForm) and unit2(ChildForm) looks like since I 
cannot get it to work. Thanks. 
Lefti > Date: Mon, 3 Dec 2007 21:24:29 +0100> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: 
lazarus@miraclec.com> Subject: Re: [lazarus] Main Form retreiving data from 
Child Form> > You can use public variables (or a private variable with the> 
corresponding public methods for reading and writing to it, or even> better a 
property). For simplicity, let's say that we go with the> public variables.> 
Let TMainForm be the class name of the main form.> In the child form class, you 
could declare a public variable like:> formMainReference : TMainForm> and then 
in the main form you do a:> > formChild := TFormChild.Create(self);> 
formChild.formMainReference := self;> formChild.Show;> > the in the child form 
code you can do:> > formMainReference.editBoxInMainForm.Text := 'hello';> > You 
can also do the other way round, but beware not to free the child> before 
accesing the data.> > By the way, I never tried it, but did you notice that by 
creating the> child form:> formChild := TFormChild.Create(self);> you are 
passing a reference of the calling form ? Any TComponent> object has a Owner 
property, so that formChild.Owner is the main> form.> You only need to type 
cast it to a TFormMain in order to use it.> > .02> > R#> > > 2007/12/3, el 
stamatakos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:> >> > Hi All,> > I have an MDI application in 
which I have two forms. Form1 (Main form) and> > form2 (Child Form). In form 2 
I have some TComboBox and TEdit Components. In> > the main form I have some 
TEdit components. I would like Form1(MainForm)> > TEditBox to have info from 
Form2(Child Form) TEditBox. I thought of two ways> > of doing this and would 
like to know if there is a better way> >> > Method 1. TIniFile. When I close 
form2 I write to a .ini the contents of> > form2. Then When I Activate Form1 
(OnActivate) I read the info from .ini and> > fill in the info into the TEdit.> 
>> > Method 2. I use global variables. When I close Form2 I have global> > 
variables that store the contents of TEdit from Form2. When I go to Activate> > 
form1(OnActivate) I use the global variables and assign to the TEdit in> > 
Form1.> >> > Please let me know if there is a better way. I do not feel too 
good about> > global variables since it is a little scary and not good practise 
and> > TIniFiles are a little cubersome. Is there a better way in Lazarus. 
Thanks> >> > Lefti> >> > > -- > ----------------------------------> Ing. 
Roberto Padovani> > via Mandrioli, 1> 40061 Minerbio (BO)> Italy> > mail: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cell: 340-3428685> ---------------------------------> > 
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