The last snapshot for OS X (12/03) re-compiled with the Carbon Widgetset produces a buffer error at launch time.

Here is the backtrace :

TCarbonWidget.Create TCarbonWindow SplashForm: TSplashForm
TCarbonWindow.RegisterEvents TCarbonWindow SplashForm: TSplashForm
TCarbonWindow.SetScrollInfo TODO
TCarbonWindow.SetScrollInfo TODO
Reading symbols for shared libraries ....... done
TLazarusManager.Run starting /usr/local/share/lazarus/ Contents/MacOS/lazarus ... TApplication.IconChanged - TODO: convert this implementation in gtk or win32
NOTE: codetools config file not found - using defaults
TCarbonWidget.Create TCarbonWindow : TMainIDEBar
TCarbonWindow.RegisterEvents TCarbonWindow : TMainIDEBar
CarbonCommon_BoundsChanged :TMainIDEBar
CarbonCommon_BoundsChanged :TMainIDEBar
TCarbonWindow.SetScrollInfo TODO
TCarbonWindow.SetScrollInfo TODO
TCarbonWindow.SetScrollInfo TODO
TCarbonWindow.SetScrollInfo TODO
CarbonCommon_BoundsChanged MainIDE:TMainIDEBar
CarbonCommon_BoundsChanged MainIDE:TMainIDEBar
[TMainIDE.Destroy] A
[TMainIDE.Destroy] B  -> inherited Destroy... TMainIDE
[TMainIDE.Destroy] END
[FORMS.PP] ExceptionOccurred
  Exception=buffer error
  Stack trace:
  $000FBAA8  TFPIMAGEBITMAP__READSTREAM,  line 1926 of graphics.pp
  $000F0136  TBITMAP__LOADFROMSTREAM,  line 459 of graphics.pp
  $000EB446  LOADBITMAPFROMLAZARUSRESOURCE,  line 1509 of graphics.pp
  $0003C273  CREATEBUTTON,  line 1434 of main.pp
  $0003B8C4  TMAINIDE__SETUPSPEEDBUTTONS,  line 1463 of main.pp
  $0003A7BF  TMAINIDE__CREATE,  line 1119 of main.pp
TApplication.HandleException buffer error
  Stack trace:
  $000FBAA8  TFPIMAGEBITMAP__READSTREAM,  line 1926 of graphics.pp
  $000F0136  TBITMAP__LOADFROMSTREAM,  line 459 of graphics.pp
  $000EB446  LOADBITMAPFROMLAZARUSRESOURCE,  line 1509 of graphics.pp
  $0003C273  CREATEBUTTON,  line 1434 of main.pp
  $0003B8C4  TMAINIDE__SETUPSPEEDBUTTONS,  line 1463 of main.pp
  $0003A7BF  TMAINIDE__CREATE,  line 1119 of main.pp
TCarbonWidget.Destroy TCarbonWindow SplashForm: TSplashForm

Damien Gerard

People who used magic without knowing what they were doing usually came to a sticky end. All over the entire room, sometimes.
    -- (Terry Pratchett, Moving Pictures)

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