Steps to use FPC svn build within Lazarus (Windows)

1 - Have a current Lazarus working binary installed (requires access to GNU utilitys within the c:\lazarus\fpc\?.?.?\bin\i386-win32 folder)

2 - Set system Path to include c:\lazarus\fpc\?.?.?\bin\i386-win32

3 - Download SVN copy from FPC (
  - save to local folder (eg. c:\FPC)

4 - Build FPC
  - cd \FPC
  - make clean all
  - cd compiler
  - make cycle
  - cd ..
  - make install INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\directory\of\your\choice (eg. c:\pp)
  - run c:\pp\fpmkcfg.exe (to create fpc.cfg)

5 - edit c:\pp\fpc.cfg to incorporate pathings
  - all non-commented lines beginning with '-Fu' and '-FD'
    for example
 '-Fu/units/$FPCTARGET/' -> -'Fuc:\pp\/units/$FPCTARGET/'

6 - within Lazarus / Enviroment / Environment options
    compiler path        = c:\pp\fpc.exe
    FPC source directory = c:\FPC (as suits your SVN download)
    Make path            = c:\lazarus\fpc\?.?.?\bin\i386-win32\make.exe

7 - Do FULL clean and build of Lazarus

I believe these steps worked for me, but needs testing.

Are the GNU utilitys available seperately as a group/package, or a list of necessary files available ?
(this would change Steps 1 & 2 & 6)

Is it possible to have the fpmkcfg.exe program create the pathing within the cfg file (saves editing) - or did I do something wrong here ?
(this would eliminate Step 5 completely)

If somebody(s) could help / verify all of this, I will add it to the wiki.

Vincent Snijders wrote:
SteveG schreef:

If I can use FPC (svn) and compile myself, is there a method /
application which will extract the necessary files from the FPC build
and create a tree structure to suit Lazarus?

Or is there a reference describing how to edit Lazarus pathings to use
the FPC build directly ?

make install INSTALL_PREFIX=c:\directory\of\your\choice

in the environment options, set the compiler path to c:\directory\of\your\choice\fpc.exe

run c:\directory\of\your\choice\fpmkcfg.exe

Optional: write this down in the wiki for future reference after testing.


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