Dave Coventry wrote:

I have Delphi 3 Standard and I still code with it, I never upgraded to
4 because it had a bad reputation, when 5 came out they had changed
the license so that you were no longer free to distribute your
applications unless you shelled out for the Enterprise edition which
was out of my price bracket.

The bonus, of course, is that my apps are now Cross-platform :)

Much my position, with particular emphasis on non-x86 platforms. I don't think saying "Delphi is cross-platform because it supports .NET" is a tenable argument.

One thing apropos the Wikia article is that I've found the Delphi-style DB-aware components to be a very bad design decision, since they assume that a connection to the database can be held open for an extended period. This assumption is generally invalid when the server is behind a load-balancing or failover proxy.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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