On Tue, 22 Jan 2008 15:03:37 +0200
"Graeme Geldenhuys" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On 22/01/2008, Mattias Gärtner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > About: move from LCL to widgetset
> > That was the goal of lazarus from the beginning.
> OK, I get that and respect the choice.  I'm simply wondering (from a
> personal point of view) if it's still the right way of doing things?
> Considering you have years of experience with Lazarus development...
> If you could do it (Lazarus LCL) over again, what would you change?
> Hindsight is a awesome thing.  :-)
> > Keep in mind that using the native widgets has several advantages:
> > - native look. Even when user switches theme or OS.
> As I mentioned before. This is very easy to achieve - Trolltech has
> proved this. Simply ask the native widget to draw itself on a memory
> bitmap.  All native toolkits send out a message when the theme
> changes, so it's very easy to detect that as well.

Now: LCL->gtk/qt/carbon/etc. [no hw acceleration]->composition manager [hw 
acceleration]->gfx card

Your Idea: LCL->new_great_widgetset->gtk/qt/carbon/etc. to bitmap [no hw 
acceleration]->new_great_widgetset(draw_bitmap) [no hw 
acceleration]->compsition manager [hw accelleration]->gfx card

Instead of the composition manager you could use the X-server or whatever but 
it makes things only slower and composition managers look like being the future.

Hope I understood your proposal correctly.

And if you had ever done real work with C++ and Qt you would stop telling us 
how great it is, because it just is NOT that great. At least under C++ using Qt 
is a major PITA compared to using lazarus and FPC. Btw I have never heard or 
seen that Qt emulates GTK in any form or way. There is a GTK theme engine AFAIK 
but that's about it. Could you tell us where you got your information about Qt?

> > - widgetset specific goodies: e.g. tab menu of gtk notebook, unicode input
> > method, assistive technology, hardware acceleration, network support (X
> > client/server modell).

What hw acceleration are you talking about? I don't know of any hw accelerated 

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