Hi all,
I've been working on my gamepack component package for a long time (nearly 4 years now) and it's quite a nice set. Not perfect of course, but it's two components for gametype graphics do work very nicely.

Gamepack provides the following components:
TDoubleBuffer: A doublebufferd drawing area. Changes are made to a memory buffer, and not shown on screen until you call the TDoubleBuffer.flip method, allowing for flickerless animations. Much the same kind of structure as the doublebuffered screen in SDL. TDoubleBuffer can be drawn to with all standard LCL drawing functions, and can load a background image from file straight of the bat. Additionally two blit methods are provided, one blitting any canvas you want, with a bunch of parameters to control how it gets blitted, and one blitting a tsprite and taking all those parameters from the properties of the sprite so you can control animations by ONLY updateing the sprite objects. Finally the there is mask method, which takes a tsprite as a parameter, on run it will automatically blit the background over the sprite's current location, so that the next sprite blit will not leave a trail.

TSPrite: A sprite handling component that can handle multiframe animated sprites automatically. It encapsulates a TImage which holds the actual sprite image. Sprite images are made by placing each frame alongside the previous one from left to right. The only restriction is that they must all be the same with. The TSPrite.Framewidth property is then set to this value, and by controlling tsprite.frame you can cycle or swith between frames instantly with no overhead. For example if you have tsprite.frame set to 3 and you call tdoublebuffer.blit(tsprite) then it will automatically blit frame 3 for you.

The components are fully documented and an example is included, also my tappytux game was written using it and I will soon start working on a loderunner clone using it as well. My question then is whether other people are interested in these lgpl'd components. If so, would you like it to be included with lazarus ? I will happily contribute it if people want it.

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" - Clarke's law "Any technology that is distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced" -Gehm's corollary "Any technologist that is distinguishable from a magician is insufficiently advanced" - My corollary
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