> The LBackup website is a wiki and content is a community effort.
I misunderstood, I will add content once I figure this issue out

> Is there any reason in particular you are opting to use TrueCrypt for the 
> backup
I chose to use TrueCrypt because it is cross-platform; I can mount the
drive under other operating systems (if necessary) and have access to
the files, whereas I was unsure if this was possible with hdiutils.

> Finally, I would recommend against using spaces in the paths for your 
> backups. LBackup will work fine with spaces in the path names. However, do 
> not place a space in the name of the backup directory destination.
Noted; I have re-named the volume.

> If you are still having problems please provide the a compressed copy of your 
> configuration directory and the output from the following command :
> vsdbutil -c "/Volumes/Athens Backup"

I think the problem is hinging around TrueCrypt and the way that
vsdbutil is handling the decrypted disk image. The command returns:
$ sudo /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -c "/Volumes/Athens_Backup/"
No entry found for '/Volumes/Athens_Backup/'.

It appears that no on-disk ownership database is being created by the vsdbutil.
Any ideas? Otherwise I am tempted to make a quick backup ignoring
permissions until I get the issue resolved, as I'm in a backup-less
limbo right now.


On Sun, Feb 28, 2010 at 8:26 PM, henri <shus...@connect.homeunix.com> wrote:
>> I'm trying to get my lbackup set up functionally, but have hit some
>> road blocks and find the documentation to be less than helpful. Its
>> too bad there is no wiki or forum on the lbackup.org website?
> The LBackup website is a wiki and content is a community effort.
> For further details please refer to the following link :
> http://www.lbackup.org/about#about_this_documentation
> If you are interested in improving the content of the LBackup site then 
> please visit :
> http://www.lbackup.org/contribute
>> I am setting up lbackup on OS X 10.6 soley because I want a fully
>> encrypted snapshot backup of my system:
> If you want to have a solid bootable back I would suggest that you shut your 
> system down and then use a tools such as Carbon Copy Cloner to make a backup 
> to an encrypted disk image. Further details are available from : 
> http://www.lbackup.org/full_system_backup
>> Time-machine will only make backups when logged out if the home folder is 
>> encrypted.
> Yes with the current TimeMachine this is the case.
> The recommended approach when using LBackup to backup your FileVault enabled 
> home directory while you are logged into the system is to perform a file 
> level backup of the mounted encrypted file-system.
> There are other approaches which LBackup will accommodate. However, provided 
> you are logged into the system, this approach is reliable and as such is 
> recommended.
>> I have formatted a 750gb external hard drive with TrueCrypt
> Is there any reason in particular you are opting to use TrueCrypt for the 
> backup. It will work. However, there are bundled scripts which support the 
> use of hdiutil. If you decide to use TrueCrypt and put together a set of 
> scripts for mounting and un-mounting the encrypted file system then please 
> consider releasing them to the LBackup project.
>> The documentation on lbackup.org only has a simplistic configuration listed, 
>> and so I am not sure if the default function of lbackup is to call rsync for 
>> snapshots... Does
> A more comprehensive LBackup configuration example is available once you 
> install LBackup. Have a look at the "example_backup_config" configuration 
> directory on your system : "/lbackup/example_backup_config/"
>> I made a test configuration file, however on execution I get this error:
>> WARNING! : Permissions are disabled on backup destination volume.
>>            It is recommended that permissions on the destination
>>            volume are enabled.
>>            Failure to enable permissions will most likely result in
>>            the hard link system failing.
>>            Permissions may be enabled by issuing the following command as 
>> root :
>>            /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a /Volumes/Athens Backup
> Because your volume name has a space in the name you will need to run the 
> following command : /usr/sbin/vsdbutil -a "/Volumes/Athens Backup"
> Ensure you are running the command as root on the system.
> The following URL has information regarding the setup of permission on OS X 
> volumes for Mac OS X systems : http://www.lbackup.org/permissions
> I would suggest that you run the following command to check that permissions 
> have been enabled for your encrypted backup volume : vsdbutil -c 
> "/Volumes/Athens Backup"
>> Is it OK to modify the config file to suppress this error?
> I would suggest that you do not modify the configuration to suppress this 
> error. Doing so will mean that hard linking the backup snapshots together 
> will fail.
>> Since lbackup.org recommends using truecrypt as a way to encrypt backups.
> Yes, TureCyrpt works well with LBackup. However, keep in mind that there are 
> bundled support scripts for use with hdiutil.
> Finally, I would recommend against using spaces in the paths for your 
> backups. LBackup will work fine with spaces in the path names. However, do 
> not place a space in the name of the backup directory destination.
> If you are still having problems please provide the a compressed copy of your 
> configuration directory and the output from the following command :
> vsdbutil -c "/Volumes/Athens Backup"
> Once you have this working, please consider generating some specific 
> documentation relating to LBackup and TrueCrypt integration or submitting a 
> screen cast on setting up LBackup and TrueCrypt integration.
> If you have further questions then let me know.
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