Hi Walter,

The Win32 distribution is a binary.  The source code is included just
for reference.

We don't know enough about Windows development tools to include a generic
build package for Win32, but if you can figure out how to do this please
do so and send it back to us.  The winconfig.h file is created by hand,
since we don't have automake and autoconf on Win32.  You can get it from
(it should be included in the .zip file also, and is now).

--- Dave

On Wed, 13 Feb 2002, Walter Briscoe wrote:

> I read the following:
> Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2002 08:57:25 -0500 (EST)
> From: David Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Splint Now Available
> Message-ID:
> I routed to http://www.splint.org/win32.html from http://www.splint.org
> and downloaded
> http://lclint.cs.virginia.edu/downloads/binaries/splint-
> (I love the fact that lclint shows the URL for files to be downloaded as
> well as providing an href to them in the html)
> I found no instructions for Source Code Installation analogous to those
> for UNIX in http://www.splint.org/source.html
> I unzipped the package and found a Visual C++ 6.00 "makefile" in
> ~\win32\Splint\SPLINT.DSW
> I opened ~\win32\Splint\SPLINT.DSW in the VC++6.00 Integrated
> Development Environment (IDE).
> I ignored the "Not all of the windows in the workspace could be opened"
> information message box which was presented.
> I attempted to build the release build. I was presented with a pile of
> messages of which the first is typical and was:
> Compiling...
> abstract.c
> D:\splint\splint-\src\abstract.c(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include 
>file: 'splintMacros.nf': No such file or directory
> That long line presents better as:
> D:\splint\splint-\src\abstract.c(37) : fatal error C1083: Cannot
> open include file: 'splintMacros.nf': No such file or directory
> I was suspicious of '/I "\\Apollo\evans\LCLintDev\src\Headers"' in
> ~\win32\Splint\Splint.dsp and replaced it twice with
> '/I "..\..\src\Headers"'
> I tried again. This time the compilation report started:
> Compiling...
> abstract.c
> ..\..\src\Headers\basic.h(13) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 
>'../../winconfig.h': No such file or directory
> That long line presents better as:
> ..\..\src\Headers\basic.h(13) : fatal error C1083: Cannot open include
> file: '../../winconfig.h': No such file or directory
> I do not have that file; nor is it in the UNIX source build; I infer it
> is produced by some process equivalent to configure for the UNIX
> release.
> Can I suggest that such files be provided to save downloading the GNU
> tools? Can I also suggest that Source Code Installation be documented
> for Win32?
> I am happy to accept a response to mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] if that
> seems more appropriate than a conversation here on
> --
> Walter Briscoe

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