#ifndef STRICT, an /*@alt void@*/ annotion is applied to the return 
types of fprintf, printf, and sprintf in lib/standard.h.
Why are other *printf functions (such as vprintf) not so annotated?

#if 1, memcpy, memmove and memset are similarly annotated. I was about 
to ask about strcpy but see it is declared as void /*@alt char * @*/...
I infer that the reason for not using #ifdef STRICT on these is that 
ignoring the return codes does not scrap any information.
Why are two techniques used for marking void alternatives?

I would like to alter this standard, default behaviour. How, for 
example, would I allow the return code of fclose to be ignored for a 
particular run of splint? (void)fclose is a bit permanent; -retvalint 
would - presumably - also affect fscanf. A commercial product produces 
message 534 in such cases and allows -esym(534,fclose) to do what I 
want. If my code contains a declaration of fclose which allows a null 
return, I get "Parse Error: Inconsistent function declaration".
"int foo(); int foo(int bar);" is OK.
Why not allow "int foo(); int foo /*@alt void@*/();"?
Walter Briscoe

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