Going through your code, there a few bugs that need to be fixed.  I
marked your code with '>',  lines to be replaced with '|'.  Some things
have been mentioned already, but not all, so here it goes (sorry for the
long lines):

Niklaus Giger wrote:
> The file tst.c looks like this:
> #include <stdlib.h>
> typedef struct
> {
>    /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/  char   *buffer;
>    int     buf_length;
> }   buf_t ;
> /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ static buf_t *alloc_buffer(int size)
> {
>    buf_t  *bufPtr;
|    bufPtr = malloc((size_t)size);
     bufPtr = malloc(sizeof *bufPtr);  /* bufPtr has to hold the struct only! */

>    if (bufPtr == 0)
>    {
>       return 0;
>    }
>    bufPtr->buffer = malloc((size_t)size);
|    if (bufPtr == 0)
     if (bufPtr->buffer == NULL)   /* we already know here bufPtr != NULL */

>    {
>       free(bufPtr);
>       return 0;
>    }
>    bufPtr->buf_length = size;
>    return bufPtr;
> }
> static void alloc_buffer2(/*@notnull@*/ buf_t  *bufPtr, int size)
> {
>    free(bufPtr->buffer);
>    bufPtr->buffer = malloc((size_t)size);
|    if (bufPtr == 0)
     if (bufPtr->buffer == NULL)

>    {
>       bufPtr->buf_length = 0;
>       return;
>    }
>    bufPtr->buf_length = size;
>    return;
> }
| static void free_buffer(/*@only *bufPtr->buffer@*/
|                                  /*@null *bufPtr->buffer@*/
|                                 buf_t *bufPtr)
|                         requires maxRead(*bufPtr->buffer) <= *bufPtr->cfg_length@*/
static void free_buffer(/*@null@*/ /*@only@*/ buf_t *bufPtr)

> {
>    if (bufPtr == NULL)
>    {
>       return;
>    }
>    free(bufPtr->buffer);
>    free(bufPtr);
> }
| static void free_buffer2(
|    /*@null *bufPtr->buffer@*/
|    /*@notnull bufPtr@*/ buf_t *bufPtr)
static void free_buffer2(/*@null@*/ buf_t *bufPtr)

> {
>    if (bufPtr == NULL)
>    {
>       return;
>    }
>    free(bufPtr->buffer);
     bufPtr->buffer = NULL;  /* don't let them use dangling pointers */
     bufPtr->buf_length = 0; /* let them know there is no room */

> }
> static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ buf_t *my_global_buf_ptr;
> static /*@only@*/ /*@null@*/ buf_t *my_global_buf_ptr2;
> static void test_one( void )
> {
>    free_buffer(my_global_buf_ptr);
>    my_global_buf_ptr =  alloc_buffer(1024);
|    alloc_buffer2(my_global_buf_ptr2, 1024);
     if (my_global_buf_ptr2 != NULL)
        alloc_buffer2(my_global_buf_ptr2, 1024);

> }
> static void test_two( void )
> {
>   free_buffer(my_global_buf_ptr);
    my_global_buf_ptr = NULL;  /* don't accidentally use freed storage */

>   free_buffer2(my_global_buf_ptr2);
> }
> int main(/*@unused@*/int argc, /*@unused@*/char *argv[])
> {
>    test_one();
>    test_two();
>    return 0;
> }

This does not eliminate all splint warnings, but IMVHO you first need to
fix your code!  Also, if your system's free() has trouble with a
parameter of NULL, you need to insert additional checks (try +unixlib


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