I think you want:

struct freecell_solver_append_string_struct
  /*@null@*/ /*@reldef@*/ /*@owned@*/ char *buffer;
  /*@null@*/ /*@reldef@*/ /*@dependent@*/ char *end_of_buffer;
  size_t max_size;
  int size_of_margin;

This indicates that the buffer field is responsible for the storage it
points to, but there may be other references to that storate; the
end_of_buffer is a dependent reference (since it points to somewhere in
the buffer).  The reldef annotations are used to indicate that the fields
may not be defined, since freecell_solver_append_string_alloc returns
an allocated by not defined structure.

--- Dave

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Shlomi Fish wrote:

> I have the following header:
> /********** app_str.h ***********/
> #include <string.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdarg.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #ifndef __APP_STR_H
> #define __APP_STR_H
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> extern "C" {
> #endif
> struct freecell_solver_append_string_struct
> {
>     /*@kept@*/ /*@out@*/ char * buffer;
>     char * end_of_buffer;
>     size_t max_size;
>     int size_of_margin;
> };
> typedef struct freecell_solver_append_string_struct
> freecell_solver_append_string_t;
> extern /*@null@*/ freecell_solver_append_string_t *
> freecell_solver_append_string_alloc(int size_margin);
> extern int freecell_solver_append_string_sprintf(
>     freecell_solver_append_string_t * app_str,
>     char * format,
>     ...
>     );
> extern char * freecell_solver_append_string_finalize(
>     freecell_solver_append_string_t * app_str
>     );
> #ifdef __cplusplus
> }
> #endif
> #endif /* #ifndef __APP_STR_H */
> /***********************/
> And the following module:
> /*************** app_str.c *********************/
> #include <string.h>
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <stdarg.h>
> #include <stdlib.h>
> #include "app_str.h"
> #define GROW_BY 4000
> freecell_solver_append_string_t * freecell_solver_append_string_alloc(int
> size_margin)
> {
>     freecell_solver_append_string_t * app_str;
>     if (size_margin > GROW_BY)
>     {
>         return NULL;
>     }
>     app_str = malloc(sizeof(freecell_solver_append_string_t));
>     if (app_str == NULL)
>     {
>         return NULL;
>     }
>     app_str->max_size = GROW_BY;
>     app_str->end_of_buffer = app_str->buffer = malloc(app_str->max_size);
>     if (app_str->buffer == NULL)
>     {
>         free(app_str);
>         return NULL;
>     }
>     app_str->size_of_margin = size_margin;
>     return app_str;
> }
> int freecell_solver_append_string_sprintf(
>     freecell_solver_append_string_t * app_str,
>     char * format,
>     ...
>     )
> {
>     int num_chars_written;
>     va_list my_va_list;
>     va_start(my_va_list, format);
>     num_chars_written = vsprintf(app_str->end_of_buffer, format,
> my_va_list);
>     app_str->end_of_buffer += num_chars_written;
>     /*
>      * Check to see if we don't have enough space in which case we should
>      * resize
>      * */
>     if (app_str->buffer + app_str->max_size - app_str->end_of_buffer <
> app_str->size_of_margin)
>     {
>         char * old_buffer = app_str->buffer;
>         app_str->max_size += GROW_BY;
>         app_str->buffer = realloc(app_str->buffer, app_str->max_size);
>         /*
>          * Adjust end_of_buffer to the new buffer start
>          * */
>         app_str->end_of_buffer = app_str->buffer + (app_str->end_of_buffer
> - old_buffer);
>     }
>     return num_chars_written;
> }
> char * freecell_solver_append_string_finalize(
>     freecell_solver_append_string_t * app_str
>     )
> {
>     char * ret;
>     ret = strdup(app_str->buffer);
>     free(app_str->buffer);
>     free(app_str);
>     return ret;
> }
> /*****************************/
> When I process it with splint (ver. I get a gazillion of
> warnings. The first ones are:
> <<<
> app_str.c: (in function freecell_solver_append_string_alloc)
> app_str.c:27:30: Only storage assigned to kept:
>                     app_str->buffer = malloc(app_str->max_size)
>   The only reference to this storage is transferred to another reference
> (e.g.,
>   by returning it) that does not have the only annotation. This may lead
> to a
>   memory leak, since the new reference is not necessarily released. (Use
>   -onlytrans to inhibit warning)
> app_str.c:27:5: Kept storage app_str->buffer assigned to implicitly only:
>     app_str->end_of_buffer = app_str->buffer = malloc(app_str->max_size)
>   storage is transferred to a non-temporary reference after being passed
> as
>   keep parameter. The storage may be released or new aliases created. (Use
>   -kepttrans to inhibit warning)
> >>>
> How do I get rid of them?
> Regards,
>       Shlomi Fish
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/
> Home E-mail:       [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> He who re-invents the wheel, understands much better how a wheel works.

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